I'm going to express my opinion on this subject. I'm going to make sure my mom reads this one. My mom is a minister so I'm sure she is going to have a field day with this and I'm sure she is going to want to discuss this with me. I'll be busy though :-)
I got asked a question from someone who was struggling with getting back on track. They had went away on vacation and had a lot of fun but what they saw on vacation really got them thinking. They saw people who were super fit in the gym most of the time working on their bodies, and afraid to eat anything bad. They saw overweight people afraid to join in. The people who she saw having the best time were average looking people. They were the ones out drinking and eating and having the most fun. She said " This must be what it's like when a Christian doubts the gospel." Well, it's funny she brought that up. I've always said that fitness is a part of religion that hardly anyone ever talks about. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, just take for a minute and look at 1 Corinthians 6:19. It says 19Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Being in the fitness industry that passage really sticks out to me. If you ever listen to any person who is passionate about fitness (trainer, bodybuilder, fitness competitor) you would think these people are a monk, priest, or philosopher. These individuals understand what it means to be one with your body and take care of this beautiful gift from God. We are the holy men/women and our temple is the gym. But just like the church, you have to beware of false prophets in your gym. You got the gym goer that thinks they know everything, and don't know nothing. The trainer who just wants to lock you into a package just to make his monthly quota or the trainer that has no clue what they are talking about. You can't even tell if this person if even certified or not. Some church goers may say you can't feel what we feel by going to church. Well, I beg to differ. I've been in the gym working out so hard that it had blood running clearly through my veins, muscles all pumped up, and chill bumps all over. Was I sick? No, but it felt good and it was like someone there was with me. It's the most awesome feeling ever imaginable. If you've never felt that in the gym then you are doing something wrong. When I left I felt great. The same way most people say they feel after a good church service.
The point of all that was to explain that these "health nuts" are just compelled to take care of their bodies. Taking care of your body in my opinion is one way these people end up getting closer to God. Even if they happen to stumble on to it by accident it doesn't really matter. There is power in taking good care of yourself. It extends life and keeps you out of the hospital if done correctly. People often pray for better health. Well, you've already been given the ability to have it you just need to take advantage of it. Better diet and exercise goes a long way. As for the average looking people enjoying all the food and drinks, it's only a matter of time before the join the ranks of the over weight if they don't change.... Until next time...