Saturday, November 5, 2011


I normally don't talk about many products that I use but this one is almost too good to be true.Unlike what you normally hear about things that are too good to be true, this isn't. I mean, if you are a person who is trying to get in more exercise or more fat loss then this is a product you should definitely use. I've known about this for a while and I've talked to some of my clients about using it. I don't know if they take me seriously or not, but I wanted to share some information I acquired about it.

According to a recent study consuming this throughout the day can cause you to burn an extra 100 calories (Boschman 6017). That is the equivalent of running a mile. How cool is that!! The study suggests that consuming this supplement induces thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a term used for a process in which the body raises its temperature, or energy output. This results in an increased metabolism and often fat cells are then utilized as energy to support this metabolic increase. This supplement could possibly increase your metabolism by as much as 30-40% (Boschman 6017).

So, I know you are curious as to what this stuff is so you can run right out and get some right? Well, it's already in your house right now. What I'm talking about is WATER! Everyone knows that if you get dehydrated you need to drink some water to get re hydrated. Or, if you want to offset the amount sodium you consumed you drink water to flush out the extra sodium, but to give you the equivalent of running a mile is excellent. Take the time right now and evaluate what you are doing with your diet and exercise regime. If you are doing all you can and you are still struggling, then ask yourself this one simple question. How much water have I drank today??

Study cited:
Boschmann, Michael, Jochen Steiniger, Uta Hille, Jens Tank, Frauke Adams, Arya M. Sharma, Susanne Klaus, Friedrich C. Luft, and Jens Jordan. "Water-Induced Thermogenesis." The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism 88.12 (2003): 6015-019. Web. 5 Nov. 2011.


  1. good blog and so true! ok.. go write another blog now! :)

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post and it was very enlightening. Wow! Keep up the great information.

    1. Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking to time to read it. Pass it along to someone you know that my need the info :-)
