Friday, July 22, 2011

Would you do it for a million dollars?

I had a tough work out yesterday. I mean it really wore me out. I was so tired this morning it felt like I had fought King Kong or something. Haha! As I was getting dressed to hit the gym again it made me think about all the excuses I used to use years ago to talk myself out of going. I mean I was so bad. Hahaha! I can remember some days I would get dressed to go to the gym then tell myself I was going to take a 10 minute rest before I leave. I would sit on the couch, turn on the t.v., and before I knew it that 10 minutes had turned into an hour. After that I would go and take off my clothes and say I'll make up for it tomorrow. Does this sound familiar to anyone?? How many excuses have you made up to talk yourself out of getting your workout in? I know I can think of 1,000 very good excuses. I could have easily used the excuse of being too tired to go the gym this morning, but I sucked it up and went anyway. I felt good after my workout was done.

I have clients ask me all the time about when to take a break and how to tell if they are really too tired to workout. I have a very simple response to that. Ask yourself this one simple question. "If someone was paying you a million dollars to go train right now, would you go?". If the answer is yes then you are definitely not too tired to workout. If money is enough to motivate you to move then your health should definitely make you want to do something. Besides, it wouldn't do you any good to have a million if you are spending most of it on medication because you are in poor health. So no more excuses, lets get moving!


  1. You should have posted this on Wednesday when I decided to pass out on the couch instead of train when you called! LOL Great blog and motivating! :)

  2. Well, you better believe we are going to make up for that. All I will say is TURKISH GET UP! :-)
